Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Jeremiah 33:3

Dino Detectives! Digging for God's Truth! That is the theme for Vacation Bible School at Red Creek Baptist Church!

I am SO excited about VBS. Today was my day off and I tried my best to spend it preparing for VBS. Tonight after church we had a short meeting and I feel like it went very well. Everyone was smiling and enjoying the opportunity to meet and fellowship...and find out about this Dino Detectives VBS! But what really brought me to blogging today...was a new opportunity to brag on the Lord! Everyday brings new opportunities, but this one was the icing on the cake;)

As I have prepared for VBS, I have had the occasional "doubts"...Can I do this? Well first of all-It really doesn't matter-"What I can do"...It's all about what the Lord can and will do! And I suppose He decided to show that to me today:-) And I'm thankful for that!

2 weeks ago, I ordered (online)-the VBS Director's Kit. This Kit would contain lots of fun info for me to give out at the next mtg...which was, at the time about 3 weeks away...Plenty of time! Unless of have waited 2 weeks now, and no kit.... I finally decided to call the company and ask how long it usually takes for the kit to arrive because I had been waiting for 2 weeks. The nice lady took my name and my church's name and found NO order. SO, my first thought was a sermon my pastor had preached a couple months back-that there will be storms-The Lord will give you test-and it's your choice whether or not you Pass or Fail. If you move on to the next test...If you take THAT test again. Well I certainly like to pass! I could have gotten aggravated, huffed and puffed, broke down in tears, and snapped at the lady. But all I wanted to do was move on and pass this test! She offered to place my order. (Thankfully because we don't have Internet access at work- and I needed to place this order asap). This was on a Friday and the mtg was scheduled for Wednesday of the following week. I thanked her and asked when she thought the kit would arrive. And she politely responded, in a happy manner, "oh by the end of next week or definitely by the beginning of the next!" :-) With a smile on my face I said, "ok, thanks!" Oh no, I thought to myself. I'm not equipped for this. I think the Lord is trying to teach me a lesson! A lesson to be more careful-better prepared. Ok, I thought. Will do! Right on it. But in the mean time I prayed. I prayed God would send that kit by the middle of next week-so I could have it for the mtg. I didn't want to let these people down already! I knew this was a long shot but what would praying hurt?

Back to this morning. I spent the morning reading my bible, praying, and I stand in the kitchen, about 3 oclock-convinced my kit will not be here today and telling myself "that's ok, they'll understand"...I hear it! The UPS truck! Praise the Lord! I run outside and say "Hey! Is that for me!?" and he says "yes it is" and I said "I've been praying for this package!!!" :-) He seemed quite happy for me too;)

And so there you go. The real lesson learned. God is SO big and mighty that it doesn't matter What WE are capable of-HE IS MORE THAN CAPABLE TO DO ABOVE AND BEYOND THE NORMAL. So all we have to do is be willing. And ask. And pray. And learn. And give Him the Glory. And pass each test with flying colors! That is a lot of "Ands", but they are SO simple compared to what God will do, if we do our part.

This little miracle may seem small...But it's BIG! Because we can't make these things happen. Only He can.:-)

I am very blessed.

Please pray for our VBS.

June 23rd-29th

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Jeremiah 33:3

1 comment:

Janice said...

I would like to sign my kids up for your VBS, and was wondering if you can come and have a satellite class here in NY?!? You would have a great time!

I know you will do amazing! You are a born motivator, and will inspire your team to amazing heights!!