Thursday, January 3, 2008

Just bragging...

I have arrived! After a couple hours of layover at the JFK airport I finally made it back to Wiggins....3:00 a.m. (That's a BIG deal for me to be up this late and writing on a was a lot of turbulence on the flight home and it had me worried for a while...I just prayed God would help me to fall asleep so I'd quit panicking! And He did! Thankfully... So just thought I'd brag on Him some before I went to bed..I think it's pretty awesome he can put us that far up in the sky...defeating that we can get somewhere a whole lot faster! So not only did He keep me safe...But he made it convenient for me;)...Doubt my poor parents are feeling the same way...they had to pick me up and drive me home! :) I thank God for them as well as the friends I met at Kevin's and my safe return! I'm very sad I could not stay longer but I appreciate the opportunity to go more than anything....Those are some sweet people in Rochester NY;)...good night


Janice said...

Just to make you smile...

I can hear you say the words I just read... like you were speakin' 'em riight to me... Wiggins stiiiile.

Happy you are safely there. Well not the "there" part, just the safe!

We will be thinking of you as we go to a teen sledding activity tonight. We will try to get some good video for you to enjoy. Maybe catch a concussion in the making or something like it! (As long as it is not one of my children that is!!!)

Have a great day... you will definitely be doing the 7:30 bedtime tonight, huh?!

Janice said...

Well no concussion, just a dislocated shoulder. And no video- it was pitch dark even though we had a huge shop-like spot light out there! (and it wasn't my kid!!)

Puppies should be coming in the next 24 hours!!! I will be a Gramma! I will send you a picture of the one my kids decide to name after you!

Dan said...

I too, am glad you are safely home. Its tough being a world traveler isn't it? We were thinking of you while we were whipping down the hill on our sleds at 40mph and hitting the bumps and being flown through the air. We said, boy wouldn't big Savannah love this. Then we realized, NO she wouldn't. It was cold to where my fingers were frozen and began to hurt. Why do we do this? Well it is fun and was one of the best teen activities we had in a while. Thanks for the great visit and the game night. God bless.

Mrs. Vicky Smith said...

All that bragging might just be why He keeps blessing you. Keep bragging! Mama loves you!